We use the following shipping services:
United Parcel Services UPS
United States Postal Service*
- Federal Express FEDEX
We offer free shipping and discounted Next Day UPS for any order over $700.00.
*Please note: We can not guarantee and insure any package sent via United States Postal Service. Therefore, we only ship out orders under $200.00 via United State Postal Service. Also, please indicate what shipping method that you would like in the checkout instructions as all shipping choices are not indicated in checkout. Also, in order to assure that your order gets out on the day it is ordered, it must be submitted before 2:00PM. Any order received after 2:00 PM most likely will be shipped out the following day. In addition, if you add to an existing order that was placed online, there is a possibility that it could be shipped out in a new order with a new shipping charge. Therefore, if you want to add to an existing order and expect it to be shipped out with the previous order then please call it in to our office